
Back to the future manure
Back to the future manure

In the 1978 film Harper Valley P.T.A., as well as the first episode of the spin-off television series, the same fate was inflicted on the head of the P.T.A., Flora Simpson Reilly (played by Anne Francine).It is generally considered that manure processing is associated with better management of manure a key solution to improve water quality.

  • Back to the Future was not the first film in which the hero's nemesis was forced to crash into the rear of a manure truck causing their convertible to fill with manure.
  • According to The Making of Back to the Future Part III, the manure consisted mainly of horse feed pellets, noting that the pellets going in and out of the horse look pretty much the same.
  • Whether the Tannen family ended up developing a mortal fear of manure as a result of all their encounters with it remains unrecorded. Members of the Tannen family had a tendency of landing or crashing into manure after an interaction, chase and/or fight with Marty McFly.

    back to the future manure

    The Jones family were the primary suppliers of manure. Manure was a common product around Hill Valley. " -From Back to the Future by George Gipe (quote, pages 179 and 180) " Shiiiiit!/Noooooo!!!" -Biff and his gang before crashing into the manure truck " Manure! I HATE Manure!" -Biff Tannen

    back to the future manure

    Hanging in the air a moment, the convertible tilted forward, pitching Biff and his cohorts into the icky brown mass. A split second later, they felt a crash and were hurled upward as the car roared into the back of the manure truck. So stunned were the four pursuers that all turned in their seats to look at Marty. With no loss of motion, he bounded over the heads of the four open-mouthed boys, onto the rear deck and off the car, just in time to catch the skateboard as it passed underneath. With that, he leaped up, sending the skateboard forward, under the car, and landed on Biff's hood.

    back to the future manure back to the future manure

    Match had picked up a beer bottle and was about to throw it at Marty's head. " Now, as they were about to pass a large manure truck in the same traffic lane, new devilment was added. Biff's Ford Super De Luxe Convertible - and its occupants! - covered in manure.

    Back to the future manure